Welcome to my site. My name is Tim Belusar and I am a 3d artist living and working in advertising in the Detroit area. I work as a 3d generalist where projects range from lighting, texturing, animation to VFX. Check out my gallery of recent professional and personal works. Feel free to contact me if you have comments and always open to new opportunities and freelance work. Thanks for viewing.
Video Gallery
2021 Reel
General Motors
July 2021 – Present | Creative Designer – CGI Color Expert
Work in a team to create realistic images and develop shaders.
October 2012- July 2021 | Senior CGI Artist/ Lighting SME
Work in a team to create realistic images and animations for clients in advertising using various software such as 3ds max and Maya. Responsibilities consist of lighting, texturing, modeling, animation, rendering, vfx, environment creation and data prep on occasion. I also do RnD on new potential pipeline tools and plugins.
January 2009 – September 2012 | CGI Artist
Worked in a small team to create realistic images, animations and build and price for Team Detroit/Ford/Lincoln. Responsibilities consisted of lighting, texturing, modeling, animation, rendering, data prepping scenes and compositing. Tools were 3ds max, mental ray, vray, photoshop and after effects.
Worked on various jobs with digital and traditional art styles from branding to animations.
Custom Fab
March 2000 – January 2009
Consisted of lay-out, fitting, welding (mig, tig and micro tig), drilling and punching, machining, metal forming, painting and custom designs. Finished jobs to specifications on prints for automotive, aerospace, military and creative industries.
3DS Max, Maya, Houdini, Vray, Mental Ray, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Nuke, Zbrush, World Machine, FumeFx, Rayfire, Krakatoa, Frost, Phoenix, Forest Pack, Substance Designer and Painter, Terragen and PfTrack.
College for Creative Studies
Majored in Digital Media and studied 3D, 2D and traditional animation, motion graphics, stop-motion, and figure drawing.
Macomb Community College
Metallurgical Technology/Welding
· Certified in SMAW on 3/8” A-36 mild steel, on A-587
6” schedule 80 pipe position 6G and test meets A.W.S.D1.1
and A.S.M.E section code 9.
· Certified in GTAW on A-36 mild steel and 6061 aluminum
in the 3G position and test meets A.W.S.D1.1, A.W.S.D.1.2
and A.S.M.E section code 9
· Certified in GMAW on A-36 mild steel position 3G&4G
and test meets A.W.S.D1.1 and A.S.M.E. code 9.
Oakland Tech
Auto-body repair and painting. Class consisted of bringing you own project car to learn exterior automotive body repair and painting.
Always interested in new opportunities and available for freelance and commission work.